1. Julie Story says:

    For the late nighters… a note that has been on my heart for a few days- Ninjas, deluxe God gift package’s, and an open letter to the man who will one day have my heart…

  2. Alicia Candelora Daw says:

    This is beautiful!

  3. Jillian Tree says:

    So beautiful Julie, I love your beautiful genuine heart! <3 <3

  4. Melissa Love says:

    Julie – this is wonderful and I know it will happen for you. Might have shed a little tear here.

  5. Giovanna says:

    I love Julie…as you I am waiting anxiously too, in the mean time Im letting God mold me and prepare me for that day. I like the strong woman that im becoming and the value he has made me realize i have…and that alone…is priceless ๐Ÿ™‚

    • juliestory says:

      YES!!! Girl!! YES!!! This seaons is a time for restoration and preparation as you press into His hear of love for you. He is putting amazing jewels of love and life all over you as He prepare you for those sweet moments with your future husband.. <3

  6. Seriously so beautiful. It might take a few years but keep clinging to this letter and don’t settle until God fulfills it. I wrote a similar thing on my old blog in 2007 and God bright me Stephen in 2009. Wherever he is, he’s worth the wait. And you are too! Big hug!

    • juliestory says:

      Scarlett!!! Thank you so much for reading… I love love LOVE your love story and I so remember how I felt when I saw your little video about you two <3 Loved seeing God honor you by waiting and LOVe seeing how incredible your lives are now... Your life is a testimony of His goodness <3

  7. Julianne says:

    A friend sent me a link to this post and said “when you have a minute to cry, this made me think of you”. I too battle with some of the concerns you touched on here & I love your reassurance. He gets the sweetness of a garden he didn’t have to work for. God is tending the garden. I pray for my future husband all the time and I will pray now that he understands some of the things I came to learn through your post today. Thank you for sharing your heart. I will probably spend the rest of the day wrapped up in your blog!

    • juliestory says:

      Wow Julianne! You heart is so soft and lovely!!!! It’s an everyday battle to just let go, to trust that God is doing bigger things than I know. That He says He will work for me while I am resting… He is doing that for you too. He is preparing dream come true moments like you’ve never seen before… <3 You are loved little one!!!! <3

  8. I was the friend that sent Julianne your way. Glad you two could connect. Hehe ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad our own story could inspire you as you wait for God’s best for you and precious little ones.

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